Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Short Overdue Update

Wow, its been a long time since I've added a post. Hmmm, where shall I begin?

I guess I'll start with, I went to the Memphis Zoo with my mom and it was awesome! I hadn't been to that place in years so we decided to check it out, especially since they now have the Panda's from China - LeLe & YaYa. I have a small slide show running on the right side of this page, but here is the link to the entire album if you're interested.

The best part about the zoo was at the Mountain Lion's cage. Apparently a possum got stuck on the top of the cage, so the zookeepers tried helping it out. However, the Mountain Lion's were ready to pounce on the poor was morning time and they were probably hungry! Of course I was there to take check it out below (it gets really good 1 minute into it):

In other news, my sister went back to school to do some research over the summer and shadow a Pyschologist (yup, she was the smart one in the family), and another friend of mine went to Case Western to pursue an Engineering Management degree (yeah...she's smart also). I want to wish both of them the best of luck and always remember to live life to the fullest wherever you are! {Yeah, I know that sounded "gay"...but whatdya gonna}

I have some other stuff that I need to talk about, but we'll save that for another time as its close to 11:00pm already and I need to wake up at 6:00am.



Anand said...

Poor opossum! Looks like the visitors got a quite a thrill watching the rescue.

P.S: I didn't know opossum's could grow to be that big!

Grahamburger said...

Wow that is a fat possum, no wonder it got stuck. :P

How is it "gay" to wish people good luck? I thought that's what nice people did, and trust me...nice does not equal gay. :P

Anonymous said...

hahah yes...thank you for the comment. YES, i'm at work and reading your blog cuz i haven't kept up with it. yessss