Monday, May 7, 2007


“There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.” - Alfred Korzybski

Work was like a love-hate relationship today....I wanted to be there (to get my mind off of things), but my body and mind were so worn-out that I should have stayed at home. Aside from the lack of sleep last night, I was still thinking about what happened in the past two days. So, most of the day was pretty sluggish, but I did my best to stay awake and actually get shit done.

Later I ended up having dinner with my sister and two friends at Pei-Wei (mmm..the Teriyaki favorite!). While we were at dinner, my sister filled us in about my mom's situation and what was going on at the house. Apparently, my mom has majorly calmed down and feels bad for what she said to me and trying to pull that religous conversion shit...(oh you remember...the rock sugar & red powder shit). However, I was/am a little doubtful of her true motives....does she really feel remorse?...does she understand that this is NOT a disease?...will she try "curing" me when I go visit???? My sister assured me that my mom was trying understand the situation, but that I needed to help her by talking to her. Personally, I don't want to talk to her right now, I can still hear that stuff she said to me in my head, and I think I need a little time away from her. I think my parents want me to come over for dinner sometime during the week, but I'm thinking more like Saturday or Sunday...we'll see how it goes.

I really do want her to understand, I want educate her about the situation, but I'm not sure how I get some videos from the library, a PowerPoint presentation (Slide 1: I'm Gay, Slide 2: I'm Still Gay, Slide 3: Guess what....I'm Gay! >> geek alert !!! lol), or maybe I just need to sit down w/ her and answer them to my best ability. In a way, it's kind of weird talking to your mom about being gay because I know she'll ask questions like, "How do you know you're gay?" or "What do you feel when you see a guy/girl?" Ughh...I hate those questions b/c you just know! Its like how you str8 people know you like someone of the opposite just know.

In the end, I will put my doubts aside and try helping her.


P.S. I added a music player to the site where I'll change songs every now and then - being a little FOB (Fresh Off the Boat >>> we'll leave that for another post), I'll throw in some Indian music also! Also, if you have a funny picture of a samosa...send it to me! :)


Grahamburger said...

A) The music player doesn't work for me. :( It's okay, I'm playing Launchcast anyways.
B) I think the best thing to do in your sitch is just to sit down with her -- possibly in a nice public place where she might not want to make a scene? And just do a little Q&A. Yes, the questions are annoying. Yes, it's retarded that heteros can have so much trouble understanding. But those are the questions they need answered so that they can understand. :)

littlesamosa said...

A) What browser are you using?...just so I know which ones have problems...I'm using IE7 and its working...haven't tested it out in any other browser.

B) You're right...thats what my sister and friends told me...I just need to suck it up and answer the stupid questions. I guess I'm still a little frustrated over what she said earlier. Thanks for the advice. :)